Omar atan

Sape Omar Atan?

Rasanya every single day ain bukak kosmo! and myMetro but never read any article regarding this person. Today suddenly I read about him so I made some research and I would love to share it with all my cutey friends. Sharing is caring, rite. Bdw, Omar Atan is actually a human being (: 

Regarding to this article [LINK] , Omar Atan or known as Omar Johor is a victim of injustice. He has been arrested for about 10 months in Laos jail.   Omar, 59, who is fluent in Thai went to Laos with a friend to recruit workers. He stayed in Laos for three days and was detained at the airport. Surprisingly, Omar Atan's passport had been chopped before he has been arrested. Can I say it is weirda?  This case happened the last 13 Mei. As I observed, no attention had been given to this case until his first daughter came up to the media. * mcm bese la, mende gini jadik slagi xde publisiti xde sape hirau :P


Proof that his passport had been chopped

Ngee.. gelak shikit buley +_+ Asal mamat tuh senyum gitu? Ahha...

Ok, back to the topic, 
Omar Atan had been given 10 days to come back to Malaysia by the prime minister of Laos (pedane menteri eh-hehe) This was to visit his wife's grave who had just die. 

p/s : berkhidmat utk negara


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