TESLIANs Cute Picha

Bukti my love to all TESLIANs..

If you hate these picha do tell me keyh so that I can upload them more and more n more n more..

These two sweet boys, gay..ops!! guy are my seniors who are studying at IPBA.
Tyme neyh, we asked Yusry to snap our picha.. dengan peloh2x yang menetes dia ttp nak posing with his beloved ******* ; Afiq

This is TESL C class representative a.k.a BANG BIL!!! hehe.... ayu jer. Tyme campus day out. 

Alif & Dauh... What they're doing ha??

He WAS NOT a gay!! Ops... Ramai awek ni au..
His status : married with 4 kids but available

Goddbye me sweet roomate a.k.a MAK BOMOH

Yanyan Izyani with compact powder cap pantai Balok

Shasha Fierce!!!!! a.k.a Syazry. During final drama

Wanie d specky.. 

This is Maryam Azinuddin. ha!! He's my boy friend (kawan bukan pompuan ) tyme acting lam kelas Madam Shima..DRAMA

Malu sioot.... haha... kenang2an... Akan ak ingat smpai mati.... Macam Charlie Chaplin(xreti eja) daaa...
Credit to MiraMirong


FyaZyn said…
superb!aku mana?
asy.z said…
hahahaha.. comelnya nabil! hahaha
eh, aku pon nak jgak ainn!.. hahaha
Adeq Aien said…
ala azia ...
ak nak wat post spesel utk mg..
wait n see...

nak ke???
nantikan yer...
Azreen Farihah said…
ain.. thanx..
for everything u've done 2 me.. =)
walopun x smpai dh 24 jam kite jdik roomate.. tp, insyaAllah, memori 2 ttp tsimpan rapi.. gonna 2 miss u ain!! =(
Adeq Aien said…
im gonne mish u 3....

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