felinophobia (fear of cat)

I have a cat
Ops.. it's not mine.. but it belongs to my mother...
Sy tau kawan2 di SHAMS & UiTM kalo baca statement ni mesti gelak punyer
Memang la takut kucing tapi dah mommy nak bela, trime je la

Kucing ain ni namanya ASAP sebab badan dia warna asap dan sungguh gemuk sekarang ni. Dapat kasih sayang yang penuh dari mama kot. Awal-awal dulu terpaksa gak berebut kasih-sayang ngan kucing sekor ni. Percaya tak haiwan peliharaan mak sedara ain dulu ni dengan sedap badan yang gemuk je tido tepi ain. dah 3 kali kena. Nak peluk bantal, terpeluk binatang berbulu ni. Ya ALLAH!!! tuhan je tahu macam mana ain samak tangan malam tuh. mama gelak jer. =(

Tapi dah dua tahun ASAP duk sini, ada sikit rasa cinta kat kucing ni. mama selalu mandikan dia. dah macam adik ain dah. at least ada yang teman mama masa ain xde =( bencinyer jadi anak tunggal. tp seronok jugak. (hanya anak tunggal yang faham perasaan anak tunggal)
ASAP la kucing pertama yang pernah tidur ngan ain, pernah kene peluk ngan ain and ASAP la satu2nya kucing yang ain tak takut nak lalu depan dia. kalo kucing lain?? fuh, mengalir air mata la jawabnya.

There's a group in FB named felinophobia means fear of cats. I've joined this group because I don't really like cats and seriously it's kinda fobia to see them! and it makes me crazy to accidently touch it's fur.. GOSH!!! can't imagine!

Felinophobia, is a fear of cats!  Some symptoms are breathlessness, dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick and etc.  If you have this fear you have to know you’re not alone.  Most suffers are surprised to learn that they are far from being alone.  This phobia is very common, although often unspoken, there is a way out.  Here’s the discovery, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s system.”  Also called “Energy Psychology.”  Although this does not work for every body, it words for most people.  


i wish to write more but I can't. Upload gmbar kucing tuh pun dah seram sejuk. I shall stop now. 

SOoOoory =(

p/s : i love ASAP for taking care of my mommy


Anonymous said…
kucing + baby...... = dua2comey.. hehe
Adeq Aien said…
haha.. mmg cute
shaffique said…
ape la takut kucing..haha..

Adeq Aien said…
dah tak dir xley nak wat pe =D

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