The Mysterious Miss Chikova

Siapa la Miss Chikova ni. Last entry dia haritu kalau tak silap ain pasal tafsir mimpi tapi lepas tu terus tak leh link ke blog dia. Dia cakap incik google dah remove blog dia and still ain tertanya-tanya, apa motif incik google dan tiba-tiba rasa sangat takut kalau belog ain pun jadi macam tu. Please don't, this is my baby =)

Hari ni the new Miss Chikova datang menziarah belog ain. Dan terjadilah adegan follow memolo. Korang pun singgah la belog dia. Mana la tahu ada yang pernah hilang jejak Miss Chikova macam ain.

Thanks to Miss Chikova for being my 700th follower and thanks also to Miss Farhana, my 701 follower. Vividly remember last year when I was in UiTM Kuantan, Azia Razwa is the one who teach me how to blog. With 150++ followers and it increases time by time... I appreciate it a lot.
kelik SINI utk ke belog Miss Chikova.

I love making friends via blogging and I write cause I love to express everything that I feel like sharing.

nota hati : I saw you as a STALKER, psychotic ! (for someone who means NOTHING to me)


Anonymous said…
blogwalking here
Adeq Aien said…
thanks :)
Epal merah said…
oush demn, terharu giler ade entry khas. tengs ain sbb tlg promote blog baru ci ni, cyg ain, muah laju2, hik!
ruriko shin said…
blogwalking kat sni sbb miss chikova bg link kt blog die..
miss chikova is my best prenn..haha...yeahh..

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