Aku Jatuh Cinta ♥


Sekadar perkongsian di mana satu forum bertajuk ' aku jatuh cinta ' ajuran Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Management and Science University (PMIMSU) telah diadakan pada 15 Februari lepas di Lecture Hall, MSU. Tak lupa nak ucap sejuta dua juta tiga juta thanks untuk sahabat saya ; Afif Amalina.. beloved mommy. Asif la lambat sangat upload sebab saya baru habis final exam untuk semester 3. Doakan keputusan yang cemerlang ye untuk Durratul Ain <--- 100 org baca inshaAllah jadilah. Dapat Anugerah Dekan pun dah alhamdulillah (demand sungguh -.-)


Panel undangan adalah Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil dan Ustaz Halim Din. Alhamdulillah terlalu banyak input yang diperolehi dari forum berkenaan. Penyampaian kedua ustaz ni sangatlah menarik dan tidak membosankan. Moderator pun tersangatlah arif dan nampak sangat berpengalaman. tabik spring untuk moderator Tahniah bagi 300++ pelajar MSU yang telah diberi peluang oleh Allah untuk hadir ke forum yang penuh menfaat ini.

Moderator ; Zharif , Ustaz Hasrizal, Ustaz Halim Din, President PMI ; Saudara Syed dan Arif

'Aku Jatuh Cinta'

Love... I believe that most of you might thinking of your special beloved one; guess you know what I mean. It's ok and it should be fine. It could be you husband and your wife. *sorry I refuse to say gf/bf for certain circumstances...

In this forum, the panels and moderator focussed on the love towards Allah s.w.t, our prophet ; Muhammad s.a.w and love towards parents. How to develop and show our true love ??

There were a lot been discussed and I have received lots of positive feedbacks from my fellow friends and a bunch of thanks for that.. :) Thanks for being a apart of this forum and thanks for supporting our club.

Btw, my friend; Farihah had uploaded few videos that were taken during the forum..
Enjoy.. and syukran jazilan for reading...


Unknown said…
jatuh cinta mmg d best feeling once in a lifetime... tapi biasalah.. setiap yg manis tu.. mesti ada pahitnya.. itulah namanya kehidupan....

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