Learn How to Speak Correctly

Hello guys ! Hello Teslians ! Hello Bloggers ! Hello Blog walkers ! Hello Pinkish !

Its been ages since the last time I use English in my entry. Ho ho ho (santa kelaus gelak) . I'm taking bachelor in TESL education so get use to it my dear. hek hek hek (macam ni ke aku nak jadik teacher? ) Uh , kat sini ader satu video yang I nak share dengan semua. Learn how to speak ! Very simple step ;) 

English ni widely use kan, so it's great kalau kita belajar sikit2x (bukannya nak lupakan bahasa ibonda kita). Loghat Ganu pun I tak lupa okkeyh ! best among the beast, I can speak dengan loghat Qelate and Kedah a lil bit. Cuma N9 je tak reti lagi walau my daddy asal sana ;(

How to pronounce !!! . . . . .

CORRECT - Koret ()   /  Kerret ()
CONNECT - Kone*()   / Kennet ()

note : saya nak jadik pointer 3.99 atau lebey ke sem ni boleyh x? =.=' amin !!!!


bardboo said…
hehe..comel dgr mat salleh ni ckp melayu...
Albert said…
English is still important in this country, that's a fact which I think everyone should know and acknowledge (especially in my engineering field).

Saya sangat tak suka membe2 saya lepas tangan dalam BI ni. Depa buat macam tu, depa sendiri akan rasa pada alam kerja nanti.

Belajar BI (or any languages) adalah merupakan satu advantage, bukan suruh hang (I don't mean you ah :P) lupakan bahasa sendiri....
Adeq Aien said…

hehe.. sgt2x comey
kalau la dpt communicate ngan diorg..
Adeq Aien said…

i agree wif u...
they shouldnt narrow their mind
=.=' its hard being an english teacher (i guess)
shahazrin said…
insyallah amin...
Fariq Jalil said…
arini dpt blaja psl nothing,, heheh..

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Natasha MDG said…
makin famous mamat ni skg. hehe
Adeq Aien said…
@natasha MDG

yup2x.. xpe
dia encem T.T
Nadia MDG said…
x sangke jumpe adikku Natasha MDG di sini..hehe...

cool video!

It's NOTHING not nating!
Adeq Aien said…
@Nadia MDG

adik beradik kah? hehe

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