BeautiFul blogger or belog?

OMG (gedik shikit sebootnya). I'm getting confuse with this award. but thanks a bunch to captain88 for giving me this gojes award! Feel like kissing2x ur entry.. haha.. Neway, although it's for the blogger ( im not telling u that im beautiful k! I wont say that..) I decide to give it to my gojes belog! I just love my belog.

What such I do as I received this gojes award?

1. Make an entry about this 'beautiful award'.

2. Copy and paste the 'Beautiful Blogger Award' badge.

3. Make a speech for those who have given you this award + link that person in ur entry yea!

4. Last but never least, list out 15 bloggers to receive this award.

Bdw, thanks aGAIN to captain88..

Lucky bloggers to receive this award are....
jeng jeng jeng....

Lagi 5 orang.... sape nak bgth ain.. hehe... ^__^ ain taruk name u ol chantek2x kat atas neyh...
U ol yg dah ade tuh tahniah la eyh.. -_-

Sape2 yang nak join contest D.A buat tuh click sini ye


captain88 said…
coooolll... sungguh pantas dan effisyien..
Adeq Aien said…
hehe.. for sure..
Unknown said…
Waah.... tahniah diucapkan....
Adeq Aien said…

terimas ye!
Indrawanie said…
wes,..lembert puloks dos nama aku.. haha..thank youu :)
Adeq Aien said…
saje bg gempak la wanie

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