D utk Durratul A utk Ain

Ain ni tag! Oleh sis Norfa Lyana aka Norfa aka Ana. Norfa la sedap dan lazat sket.

First kena la pilih permulaan bg nama sendiri kan.
Durratul , Ain atau Epy 

I choose AIN

Let's start bebeh !

it's harder than it looks
copy to your own notes
erase my answer
enter yours and tag twenty (20) people
use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions..
they have to be real
nothing made up
if the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answer
you cannot use any words twice
you can't use ur name for the boy / girl name question.


speaking london la pulak! 
meh translate sket

'Dia' cakap jawapan utk setiap jwpan dia bawah harus la di mulakan dengan huruf pertama nama kita
jawapan haruslah yang benar n dtg dari hati murni korang *aku tambah ni
satu perkata skali guna je ye!
yang penting tag 20 org aka blogger yg chumey2x..ahaks!!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ 

What is your name : Ain
A four letter word : Aing
A boy's name : Adam
A girl's name : Afyna
An occupation : A lecturer
A colour : Amethyst
Something ur wear : Actually, it's no-thing
A food : Apple
Something found in the bathroom : A mysterious mirror
A place : Afganistan
A reason to being late : gimme A minute to epen my eyes!
Something u shout : Arghh!!! I want more!
A movie title : All about Eve
Something u drink : A cup of dutch lady low fat milk!
A musical group : 
An animal : Anaconda
A street name : Anak ikan, Besut
A type of car : A...kereta ANAK lembu kot!

Buat pertama kali saya jeles ngan Norfa sebab nama N senang nak cari! waa... pecah pale otak I tau!

senarai 20 yang mesti buat tag ini

On da way nak tambah ni sambil2x blogwalking dulu!


najihah said…

kene buat alphabet T mcm nih..hahahaha..


tq tag!
econpolics said…
aahh sudah,,,,

kejang nak menjawab nye,,,

Huruf L woo,,,,,hahaha.,,,,xpe2...

i'll try
Adeq Aien said…
dah agak dah respond TK ngan Lok..
^^ I dare u.. =D
AM said…
ada AWARD untuk Durratul Ain ! :)
Adeq Aien said…
owh.. maceh AROL..
im going there..
Nadiene said…
ah, byk juga nak d fikir...
econpolics said…
Silat Lawat Ke Blog Saya

Untuk Menerima Anugerah Dari Saya,,

najihah said…
saya dah jawab..silalah usya ea..


Adeq Aien said…
skunk gak ain terjah
Namio Oo said…
mane ade seanng...susah kot....
mujur xbuat A..hahaha
Adeq Aien said…
sentap jawab ni haaa


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