My Sweetheart Smells Like Action 3 FRESH

Can I pronouns they word fresh with a sexy style? ahaks. bdw, who's my sweetheart. Oh gosh! I wont tell you but I love his/her smile. His/ his? can I just say his. Today, one of my cute little students shows me a perfume. it smells just like him. Gosh! I miss him now! (reminder : i dont have bf ok!)

Bau badan yang ni menting penting giler! kerana bau badan korang cam halia rebus korang boleh di reject. reject untuk jadi kawan atau tut tut. no offense. dah besar boleh pikir sendiri. cousin ain yang alim tu pun guna adidas. his smells them *****. very the best! at least u know how to handle urself! is it? 

For sure my future sweetheart, (kawan pun sweetheart jugak kan) dia mestilah ada fresh smell. fresh yang macam mana biar ain je la tahu ok. If I have to choose among them, i mean all the Adidas action 3 products i'll choose this..............

Reasons? I love this smell and for sure the most important thing i love pink. CONTROL ANTI-PERSPIRANT SPRAY

These are the products ! click click click. what to click? adess, click on my nuff.. (^^,) Before that, im so sorry for using very the rojak bahasa in this entry! I just love this!

Lets enjoy Episodes 40-42 of Project Alpha Season 2

Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.


hi u... bf baru change ke adidas. mmg wangi. n dia pon suka. dia ckp guna pagi,sampai mlm pon bau ada lagi. ooo pink ni utk girl ek. i pon k try lah. nk tunggu rexona after shower abes dulu. hehe
Adeq Aien said…
@aminatulmimi ismail

cuba la ye
mcm promoter dah ain ni
kena claim ngan adidas ni

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